Friday, April 23, 2010

5 realy awesome bloggers

veronica's blog is a really good blog. her blog has interesting colors and she has it very well organized. she has many widgets. which keep me interested and keeps me reading.
Helen's blog is really good. she has a lot of pictures which keep me interested. Like the last blogger it is organized.
Teagues blog is very creative. It has a lot of bright colored text with different colors for every blog. she has the courage to talk about her feelings.
Madison's blog has a lot of running blogs which interest me because i am a runner. she also has a music playlist on her account and it's the shape of an Ipod.
Carl's blog has a lot of history put into his blog. He also has categories. And has a bright color text.

Monday, April 12, 2010


The reason why I choose these categories is because most of them are for homework for English. That's why I picked that category. I picked personal for another category because I had to write about personal things. That's why I have that category. Those are really the only categories I actually need to use.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I don't think I deserve a creative license because I am not that creative. If I was a big painter and could sell my art I would. But, my art is terrible so I don't care if anyone else uses it. Just don't let anyone know that I drew it. And if i look at anything I'm not inspired to draw.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This is a review of animal farm by george orwell